Vanished Yesterday (消失的昨天)

Vanished Yesterday (消失的昨天)

Single released on September 8, 2016. Be included in Hua Chenyu’s 3rd album “H”.

1. About the song

“Vanishing Yesterday” is the only love song in the album. Because Hua Chenyu felt that he did not have enough experience and was not good at writing love songs, he invited Wang Zi and Yao Ruolong to compose the song together. Using the “6415” chord trend and tone distinction in the AB segment, the melody is affectionate but not crooky. Hua Chenyu’s gentle voice conveyed the sadness of the song precisely. Hua Chenyu interpreted the entire song as a single confession after breaking up.

2. Videos

Mars Concert 2021 FanCam

3. Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Yao Ruolong
Compose: Wang Zi
消失的昨天 Vanished Yesterday
漆黑的房间 In a dark room
想你在的感觉 I’m thinking about how I felt when you were here
挡住日月才能温习 Only by blocking the sun and the moon
can I reminisce,
和你深情拥有的一切 All that I had with you with a deep passion
曾经越密切 The more intimate we were
一分开越撕裂 The more shattering it was when we parted
我的世界不是谁都可以推门看见 In my world
not just everyone can push the door and see
孩子那一面 My childlike side
你的决定我不理解 I could not understand your decision
想过自私终究体贴 I thought you were selfish
but in the end, I became considerate
多么遗憾你没发现 What a pity that you never discovered
为你而做的改变 The changes I made for you
满满的感动的回忆 Full of touching memories
让心情空空的 My heart was drained empty
伸手了挽不住远走的背影 I stretched out my hands
yet I could not hold on to your vanishing shadow
多萧瑟 How desolate I was!
低头了忍受了并不认同的所有苛责 With bowed head
I bore all the reproaches I disagreed with
只想着我太爱你不管别的 All I could think of was
how much I love you to care about anything else
你的决定我不理解 I could not understand your decision
想过自私终究体贴 I thought you were selfish
but in the end, I became considerate
多么遗憾你没发现 What a pity that you never discovered
为你而做的改变 The changes I made for you
满满的渴望和不舍让脑海空白了 Full of yearning and longing
my mind was left blank
伸手了 My hands stretched out
迷信爱绝抵挡不了我狂热 Blindly believing in love
by no means could I resist my crazy passion
哪知道爱点亮后飘散坠落 Who knew that love could drift away
and fall after being lit up
漫天是苦涩 Filling the sky with bitterness
不肯埋葬往事被思念埋了 Refusing to cover up the past
I am buried in thoughts
