The Creator (造物者)

The Creator (造物者)

Single released on June 30, 2016. Be included in Hua Chenyu’s 3rd album “H”.

1. About the song

The demo of “The Creator” was originally called “Weekend Warrior”, and the lyrics were originally in English. Later, Shihe created the Chinese version of lyrics based on the concept of “Creative Desire of Young People”. The melody is simple, bouncing, the fusion of pop, electronic plus rap style and catchy tunes are full of young rhythms and attitudes. The openness of the lyrics showcases the theme of the song: free soul.

2. Videos

2016 Hunan TV Mid Autumn Festival Gala

3. Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Shi He
Compose: Peter Bostrom, Andreas Ohrn
造物者 The Creator
体内的细胞在鼓噪 The cells inside our body are making an uproar
对抗万有引力的周遭 They want to defy gravity all around
谁设下平面的视角 Who sets our perception as flat?
世界难道就是个圈套 Is this world just a trap?
na na na na na na na
相对论在突然间失效 The theory of relativity suddenly lost its relevance
na na na na na na na
神秘脑洞转眼间驾到 Mysterious inspiration comes
in the blink of an eye
宇宙在燃烧 The universe is burning
寻常的统统扔掉 Things we are used to are all castaway
荷尔蒙在燃烧拯救心跳 Our hormones are burning to save our hearts
年轻大胆造 Be young and boldly creative
年轻就要造 To be young is to be creative
年轻就要造 To be young is to be creative
年轻就要造 To be young is to be creative
二次元着色刚刚好 I color the anime just right
潮玩部落大声尖叫 I scream out loud with the gamers tribe
个性妆发绝不抹掉 I will not ditch my unique style
宠物里住着薛定谔的猫 Schrodinger’s cat is among my pets
na na na na na na na
好奇个性是我的骄傲 My curious nature is my pride
na na na na na na na
爱玩天性任凭你管不了 My playful nature is out of your hand
超能力出鞘 My superpower unleashed!
见惯的统统扔掉 Castaway what we used to see
荷尔蒙在燃烧拯救心跳 Our hormones are burning to save our hearts
年轻大胆造 Be young and boldly creative
年轻就要造 To be young is to be creative
年轻就要造 To be young is to be creative
年轻就要造 To be young is to be creative
属于我们的部落要它真实就好 It’s fine as long as our tribe
stays true and real
只喝冰过的饮料让坏情绪发酵 We only take icy cold drinks
and just let bad mood brew
我们自己主导决定穿哪种外套 We decide which outfits to wear
有专属的磁场记号从不做比较 We have our own magnetic field symbol
and never compare markers
我们有相同的大脑不一样骄傲 We have the same brain
but not the same pride
异想天开的狂欢疯到无可救药 Our whimsical party is too wild
to be tamed
荷尔蒙继续燃烧拯救心跳 Our hormones continue to burn
to save our hearts
年轻大胆造 Be young and boldly creative
年轻就要造 To be young is to be creative
年轻就要造 To be young is to be creative
