Folding (声希)

Folding (声希)

After being performed at the “Yin-trend Music Night” on January 13, 2019, “Folding (声希)” was released online for a limited time of 100 hours.
Then, in the second half of 2023, during the Mars Concert 2023 Stadium tour, Hua used this lyricless song as the opening song.

1. About the song


There is a Chinese idiom called “大音希声”, which means “The greatest music has the faintest notes. the most astounding sound is not audible.”
“Folding (声希)” is the representative work of modern dance artist Shen Wei. Hua Chenyu added human voices to the pure music based on his own understanding, further raising the level of this work.

Vocal: Hua Chenyu
choreographer: Shen Wei

2. Videos

“Yin-trend Music Night”

Mars Concert 2023 - Bird’s Nest
