Code Name Contra (代号魂斗罗)

Code Name Contra (代号魂斗罗)

Derived from the theme melody of the game “Contra” (NES).
First released at singing competition “The Next S2” EP6 in 2018.

1. About the song

“The Next” (also known as “Sound of War”) is a singing competition/show where anyone can challenge mature singers. The song the challenger chose for the singer warrior will then be revealed, and the singer warrior must compete with their challenger by singing the chosen song. The singer warriors have 24 hours to rearrange to chosen songs, and after 24 hours, they will face their challengers on the stage with 400 audiences who would cast their votes to decide the winner.

Since there are no instruments or vocals in the game’s MIDI soundtrack, it can be considered that Hua Chenyu created a brand new original work within 24 hours, rather than just re-arranging it.

2. Videos

“The Next S2” EP6

3. Lyrics Translation

Compose: Hua Chenyu, Konami
Lyricist: Ding Yanxue
Arrange: Bernard Zheng
代号魂斗罗 Code Name Contra
银幕发亮信号满格 The lit screen is full of signals
我代号魂斗罗 With Code Name: Contra
闯入群岛 I break into the islands
神秘陨石异次元觉醒 A mysterious meteorite awakens an alternate universe
指向黄昏地图一角 Points to a dim corner on the map
有何预兆 Whatever is foreboding
时光机解决不了 Can be unraveled by the time machine
掐指算算六个世纪后 My calculation shows that after six centuries
大boss现身问好 The final boss will show up
等我做完今晚的祷告 After I finish tonight’s prayer
再默写出天蝎的暗号 I will recite the secret code of Scorpio
那边黑暗力量倾巢 Over there, the dark power is fully deployed
这边霓虹招牌环绕 Here, it is surrounded by neon lights
看我禅定一声偷笑 Watch me in Zen with a snigger
穿好紧身衣划破夜空 Wearing my tight bodysuit, I step into the night
提上爷爷的佐治刀 Carrying grandpa’s Takeshi Saji knife
召唤猎车手和侠盗 I summon Motor Vehicle Thief and Robin Hood
画报封面英雄在笑 The hero is laughing on the cover of a comic book
消失的人在夹缝尖叫 The disappearing people are screaming in the crack
大不了以毒攻毒 In worst situations I can still fight fire with fire
见招拆招 and play it by ear
脱下皮革外套 Taking off my leather jacket
我潜到 暗藏机关战壕 I sneak into the trap-filled trench
不拐弯的视角 With a sight that never strays
静悄悄 Silently
深入秘密城堡 I penetrate the secret castle
Oh Let me do the fight
我枪法盖世并不随意用 I excel at gun skills but only shoot when necessary
Oh Let me do the fight
我勇者无惧定浴火为龙 I am fearless, destined to be reborn by trials of fire
是什么道理 What logic is this?
英雄冷冻冰封一万年这么夸张 That the hero is frozen for ten thousand years, why is it so dramatic?
是什么世界 What world is this?
外星球遗物被无知者随便乱放 Relics of aliens are left behind and misplaced by the ignorant
天微亮穿过胜负的斗兽场 In the dim light of dawn, I walk through the Colosseum
谁真的可以不用受伤 Who can truly avoid being wounded?
孩童脸上的单纯无处躲藏 The innocence on children’s faces cannot be hidden
紧握最后一颗糖 Holding tight onto the last candy
风吹熄发烫的枪膛 The wind cools down the barrel of my hot gun
讨伐罪恶的征途由我踏上 I step onto the journey against evil
品尝战斗前先喝下一碗坚强 Before tasting the fight, let me first empty a bowl of courage
绝地狂龙脚步旋风我匆匆在俯冲 I fight like Stallone in his last resort and my pace is like a whirlwind
多年的练功蓄劲当中 Full of power, I hastily dive down using skills from years of practice
请跟我来看正气在胸 Follow me and witness the righteousness of my heart
画报封面英雄在笑 The hero is laughing on the cover of a comic book
消失的人在夹缝尖叫 The disappearing people are screaming in the crack
大不了以毒攻毒 In worst situations I can still fight fire with fire
见招拆招 and play it by ear
脱下皮革外套 Taking off my leather jacket
我潜到 暗藏机关战壕 I sneak into the trap-filled trench
不拐弯的视角 With a sight that never strays
静悄悄 Silently
深入秘密城堡 I penetrate the secret castle
Oh Let me do the fight
我枪法盖世并不随意用 I excel at gun skills but only shoot when necessary
Oh Let me do the fight
我勇者无惧定浴火为龙 I am fearless, destined to be reborn by trials of fire
定浴火为龙 Destined to be reborn by trials of fire
我只拥有一个代号 I only have one code name
它或许可笑 It may sound funny
不懂游戏的技巧 It does not know the tricks of the game
学不会假笑 It cannot learn to paste on a smile
长不出讨好样貌 It does not have a pleasing appearance
但它能至少 But at least
支撑我坚持战斗不畏惧跌倒 It can support me to persist in fights, unafraid of falling
用三十条命拯救世界 It saves the world with thirty lives
靠着遇刚则强的拳功 With excellent boxing skills that grow strong with powerful opponents
目空八大异形博士 Holding disdain for the eight alien doctors
手举着弹无虚发的炮筒 Carrying the rifle that never misses
几滴血招式无穷战法如风 With a few drops of blood, I fight as swift as the wind with endless tactics
不臣服不相干的物种 Never surrender to alien species
叫一声代号魂斗罗 I call out Code Name: Contra
治好你多年的偏头痛 It will cure your chronic migraine
胜负成败 挥手笑笑 Win or lose, I just wave and smile
敌我争锋 不很重要 The battles against adversaries are not that important
对手太少 经不起推敲 There are too few worthy opponents, most cannot withstand the fight
你我都是 生活的番号 You and I are just codes of life
借不同代码打同一关卡 Playing the same level with different codes
又何必计较 Why make a fuss?
不如摘下拳套 How about taking off those boxing gloves
来倒上一杯Tequila皇家礼炮 To pour a glass of Tequila Royal Salute?
