Drunk As Lonely Hero (一人饮酒醉)

Drunk As Lonely Hero (一人饮酒醉)

Hua Chenyu adapted and sang the popular online rap song “Drunk As Lonely Hero (一人饮酒醉)” at singing competition “The Next S2” EP9 in 2017.

1. About the song

“The Next” (also known as “Sound of War”) is a singing competition/show where anyone can challenge mature singers. The song the challenger chose for the singer warrior will then be revealed, and the singer warrior must compete with their challenger by singing the chosen song. The singer warriors have 24 hours to rearrange to chosen songs, and after 24 hours, they will face their challengers on the stage with 400 audiences who would cast their votes to decide the winner.

“Drunk As Lonely Hero” is a representative work of the “喊麦 (shouting mic)” music category popular among Chinese folk. To put it simply, it is similar to rap freestyle.

Hua Chenyu created a new song using Chinese classical music style, adding a poetic and beautiful melody to the original rap-like lyrics.

2. Videos

“The Next S2” EP9

3. Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Da Peng, Gao Di, Liu Tong
Compose: Hua Chenyu
Arrange: Bernard Zheng
一人饮酒醉 Drunk As Lonely Hero
酒醒燕归 别来无恙 When I became sober the swallows have returned / How have you been?
百花绽放 出芬芳 The flowers have bloomed / Perfuming the air
再次回首 曲流殇 Once more I look back / The meandering stream flows
回眸感触昙花香 See the night-blooming cereus / Sense its fragrance
娇女我轻 扶琴 As a beauty, I strum the zither
燕嬉我紫竹林 Swallows frolic in my bamboo garden
痴情红颜 Once there was a beauty in love
心甘情愿 Who devoted herself
千里把君寻 To seeking her beloved
说红颜痴情笑 Reminiscing abut the beauty / I indulge in a smile
曲动我琴声妙 How moving that zither sounds
我轻狂我高傲 I was brazen / I was arrogant
我懵懂我无知 I was naive / I was ignorant
我只怪我太年少 I only blame that I was too young
弃江山 忘天下 Gave up my kingdom /Forgot my country
斩断情丝无牵挂 Cut off all ties of love / Care for the world no more
千古留名传佳话 My name will be remembered as a legend for millennia to come
两年征战我已白发 Two years of war has streaked my hair white
一生征战我有何人陪 A lifetime of war will leave me with no one by my side
一人我独饮酒醉 Alone I drink my wine to oblivion
醉把佳人成双对 In drunkenness I would be together with my lover
两眼寻谁相随 My eyes open / Searching for the one who will follow me
谁是谁非谁相随 Who was right? Who was wrong? Who was chasing after who?
戎马一生为了谁 Who was I fighting for my whole life?
我能爱几回恨几回 How many times can I love can I hate
败帝王 斗苍天 Toppling kingdoms / Challenging fate
我夺得皇位以成仙 I’ve seized the throne and accepted God’s will
豪情万丈天地间 I seized the throne to be invincible
续写另类帝王篇 Writing down the prologue of a different kingship
红尘事 我已斩断 Worries of this world / I have cut them off
久经战场我人心乱 Years of war have disturbed my heart
当年 扬名立万 That year my name spread far and wide
我这一战无遗憾 This fight / I have no regrets
相思 我愁断肠 Yet longings break my heart
眼中泪两行 Tears stream down my face
我多年为君一统天下 I have been king for years / Unifying all lands under the sky
戎马把名扬 My name spread far and wide through war and battle
烟雨平凡事 The mundane are gone like smoke and rain
此生怀大志 This life is lived for greatness
为了佳人回眸一笑 Yet to win a glance from my beloved
我立下这毒誓 This is the life-long oath I made
