Rampage (横冲直撞)

Rampage (横冲直撞)

OST song for the movie “Who Sleeps My Bro (睡在我上铺的兄弟)”. Single released on March 7, 2016.


Hunan TV May Fourth Youth Day Gala 2019

Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Yin Yue
Compose: Qian Lei
Arrange: Qian Lei
高手归来 Rampage
十七岁夏天阳光炽烈 The summer sun was scorching hot at seventeen
至今燃烧着你的双肩 Even now, it still burns your shoulders
忍住泪水的某个冬夜 You held back tears on a certain wintry night
时常又模糊你的双眼 Which still often blur your eyes
只身穿越那场暴风雪 You went through that snow storm all by yourself
多年冰冻着你的关节 That has kept your joints frozen all these years
一如既往卑微的坚决 Being humble yet determined like always
守护心底小小少年 You guard the little young boy in your heart
你横冲直撞 You go on a rampage
一直到最远方 Till you can’t go any further
你呐喊着在人海中浴火怒放 Amid the crowd, you bloom in the fiery blaze with your roaring voice
盔甲之下谁懂得你柔软心肠 Beneath your armor, who knows your gentle, tender heart?
你一无所有地闯荡 You roam around with empty hands
沿路太多惊慌 There has been too much distress along this road
惊涛骇浪从没想过缴械投降 But you have never thought of surrendering to the relentless tide
伤疤是亲手佩戴的骄傲勋章 You proudly wear your scars as honors
一腔热血日夜滚烫 The boiling blood within burns day and night
独自对抗 Resisting alone
独自生长 Maturing alone
独自流淌 Drifting alone
