Bullfight (斗牛)

Bullfight (斗牛)

First released at Mars Concert 2018 on September 8, 2018.
Officially released on September 12, 2014.

1. About the song

As a hard-hitting track in Hua Chenyu’s fourth solo album “NEW WORLD”, expresses a unique perspective on the debate of mankind’s relationship with nature and the awe and respect towards the vigorous tenacity of life. and a discussion of the relationship between man and nature and awe of life and natural forces with a different philosophical perspective. This is a song that portrays the philosophical complexion of recurrent natural forces and a song that conveys encompassing love towards all life.

His writing of is the longest period Hua Chenyu had taken to compose a song. It took an entire month in alternating bursts of intense composing at the piano and long periods of rest and clearing of his mind. The lyrics describe the barbarity of mankind in contrast with the pureness of an untamed soul. The bullfighter uses a spear to pierce the flesh of the bull to enrage and incite its feral attacks and in the end, kills it thereby demonstrating the superiority and nobleness of humanity. To Hua Chenyu, “Bullfight” is a sorrowful struggle with no winner. Whichever side that wins, bullfighter or bull, the other faces death. The song utilizes brutal satire to invoke introspection on life itself condensed into a Bullfight scene, and at the end gives us his answer: “Following our kind nature – the last pride and chance for the victory of mankind” in hopes of reawakening and resonating with the listeners’ inherent propensity for kindness.

The MV is envisioned by Hua Chenyu and presented in a combination of CG and animation. At the shooting site of the MV, there is only Hua Chenyu acting on his lonesome, using his immersive imagination to achieve the actions and atmosphere required by the director. To convincingly act as a bullfighter, the director arranged for a Spanish coach to teach Hua Chenyu the professional moves of a bullfighter and guide his pose and movements in “Bullfight” scenes. Hua Chenyu was an eager and quick learner, and sweat and grinding hard work went behind every simple flick of the red cloth.

The MV was produced by a Japanese production team, directed by Mitsunori Yokobori, and animated by Yoshiki Imazu.

On February 14, 2020, Hua Chenyu enthusiastically sang “Bullfight (斗牛)”, the main song of his unreleased 4th album “NEW WORLD”, on EP2 of the Singing Talent Show Contest “Singer 2020”.

On September 25, 2022, at the online concert “Mars Chapter” celebrating the 9th anniversary of his debut, Hua Chenyu rearranged 11 songs in collaboration with a symphony orchestra and a choir.

2. Videos

Listen Online



Mars Chapter (symphony)

“Singer 2020” EP2

Mars Concert 2019

3. Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Pei Yu
Compose: Hua Chenyu
Arrange: Bernard Zheng, Hua Chenyu
MV Director: Mitsunori Yokobori
MV Animation Yoshiki Imazu
斗牛 Bullfight
Follow follow 嘿 Follow Follow Hey
排着队 Bullfighters parade in
担起斗士的称谓 In the name of the fighters
先生们尊贵永不褪 The chivalry of the señores never dies
伊比利亚的壮美 The magnificence of Iberia
烈日空气被撕碎 The air has been shredded under the scorching sun
万人场共舞举杯 Tens of thousands of people dance and celebrate
攻克下沙场丰碑 Triumph on the battlefield for the trophy
暗藏的谋虑可贵 Concealed strategies are valued
Mer MER~
(Mer = the lowing, or mooing, or bellowing of a bull)
跟着我们 Mer Follow us MER~
Follow follow 嘿 Follow Follow Hey
等着谁 Whom are you waiting for?
请牛栏推列出位 Please get the bull ready for entering the ring
庄严神圣彼此敬畏 Solemnly and sacredly they pay mutual respect
昂起胸鞠躬交会 Straightening their posture They then bow to each other
绸制红衣镶金穗 Golden embroidery on red silk suits
侧颜杀刺透光锐 Undeterred bravery shining through their side silhouettes
猛然间号角齐吹 Trumpets suddenly blast
竞技场席卷沙灰 The arena is filled with swirling dust
Mer MER~
跟着我们 Mer Follow us MER~
绕场引逗它飞奔不休 Taunted all around the field , it runs endlessly
战上几个回合霸气泄露 After a few rounds of battle, dominance radiates
长矛手卡准节奏 The picador gallops in to the rhythm of the beat
Mer MER~
跟着我们 Mer Follow us MER~
刺扎背部它血管爆破 The back is pierced and veins burst open
激怒过后立刻凶暴如仇 The enraged bull is as ferocious as a demon
花镖手插上金钩 The banderillero plants in the banderillas
Mer MER~
跟着我们 Mer Follow us MER~
重复贝卡尼卡动作 Repeat the Verónica
野性袒露着灵魂纯粹 Wildness bares the purity of the soul
或者肆意妄为 Or its recklessness
直到亲手栽培了原罪以后 After nurturing the original sin
又要将它摧毁 The very same hands now seek to destroy it
Follow follow 嘿 Follow Follow Hey
扬着眉 Heads held high
迎面冲用力刺怼 A full-frontal thrust with all his might
直到心脏骤停而归 Till its heart stops beating and collapses
十字剑候补装备 A sword with a crosspiece is readied should a last blow be necessary
混合着庆典余味 Mixed with the aftertaste of the feast
血泊里没有眼泪 There are no tears in the pools of blood
公牛被花车拖回 The bull is dragged back by a flower-adorned cart
将野蛮众目睽睽 Savagery on full display
Mer MER~
跟着我们 Mer Follow us Mer~
Follow follow 嘿 Follow Follow Hey
咧着嘴 Wide smiles
尸首气味中陶醉 Reveling in the smell of the carcass
白色手帕全场狂挥 Fervently waved white handkerchiefs fill the air
牛耳被斗士捧回 Bull ears are carried by the matadors
王子门称为之最 The best one passes under the Prince’s Gate
原来他一生在追 It turns out that
he has been chasing after this his entire life
对生命致以敬畏 Pay tribute to and respect all lives
无论是什么地位 Regardless of stature
Mer MER~
跟着我们 Mer Follow us MER~
绕场引逗它飞奔不休 Taunted all around the field, it runs endlessly
战上几个回合霸气泄露 After a few rounds of battle, dominance radiates
长矛手卡准节奏 The picador gallopes in to the rhythm of the beat
Mer MER~
跟着我们 Mer Follow us MER~
刺扎背部它血管爆破 The back is pierced and veins burst open
激怒过后立刻凶暴如仇 The enraged bull is as ferocious as a demon
花镖手插上金钩 The banderillero plants in the banderillas
Mer MER~
跟着我们 Mer Follow us MER~
重复贝卡尼卡动作 Repeat the Verónica
野性袒露着灵魂纯粹 Wildness bares the purity of the soul
或者肆意妄为 Or its recklessness
直到亲手栽培了原罪以后 After nurturing the original sin
又要将它摧毁 The very same hands now seek to destroy it
近看 Watch closely
放大镜下的人在逃窜 Men are scattering under the magnifying glass
人与自然平衡不了用偏执面决断 Nature and humankind are not in balance
Prejudice makes the decisions
后患 Dangers are set in the future
这里的每团热血 For every splash of hot blood here
通电过后体征都在预料内不沸腾不欢 Nerves tingle as anticipated after that electrifying moment
Satisfaction is only found in the blood boiling within
是梦幻成就艺术宫殿 Dream-like illusions build the palace of art
致美惨烈合二为一有无法分割的审美习惯 Where beauty and cruelty merge as one
There lies a norm inseparable from aesthetics
若互换 进不去 艺术家的脑回旋 If they are swapped
none can enter the swirling mind of an artist
只有一半的机会将勇猛玩转 There is only half a chance to tame the bold and powerful
试探 我们的叫声有多尖 To gauge how piercing our screams are
耳朵能承受的分贝在人为的环境多险 How risky the bearable level of decibels is in this man-made world
像触电 Like an electric shock
多巴胺分泌的动荡 a reverberation of dopamine secretion
安插在每个细节 Placed in every single detail
万众炒捧命悬一线 Hailed by millions Life hanging by a thread
太混乱 生命本就该循环 Too chaotic Life is meant to cycle
祷告将恶魔终结 Praying for the devil’s demise
假想出风轻云淡 Imagining serenity and calm
性向善 Following our kind nature
才是人类最后的骄傲和胜算 the last pride and chance of the victory of mankind
