Let’s Go and Watch the Sunrise (走,一起去看日出吧)

Let’s Go and Watch the Sunrise (走,一起去看日出吧)

First released at “Mars Concert 2021” on December 3rd-5th, 2021. Officially released on December 20, 2022.
Be included in Hua Chenyu’s 5th album “Hope Forget”.

1. About the song

Healing Trilogy 2021

Hua Chenyu sharing his creative inspiration at Mars Concert 2021, before releasing this song for the first time

Yesterday when I introduced the second part, I mentioned that I have changed my way of life.
After I changed to this way of life from being a homebody, I started trying to go out.
trying to go out often and ride a bike at night, to feel the wind, to look for some little restaurants and have some food.
Sometimes I met some restaurant owner who clicked with me.
I would talk to some sushi Shifu.
We would open up a bottle of sake and drink till the morning of the next day.
I would also go to a little bar to drink, and talk to many strangers.
Through these talks, I found that many people are under great pressure
So after I’ve heard so many people’s stories, I wrote “Flight Mode”.
I saw that after people drank some wine, they would tell me about their stress and confusions.
Something that’s not so good.
But I found that eventually, they would still try very hard to live.
They would keep on trying to live actively in a healthy way.
And if I drank a bit more than usual, I would also tell them about my state.
I would tell them that I had also struggled.
I was in pain and I was conflicted.
Then some strangers whom I’d never met before would be so nice to me.
They would comfort me and encourage me.
Then I would feel, wow, actually this world is really wonderful.
Although in your life, there are some bad guys, but just like in “Black and White Artist”, You don’t have to pay attention to them.
Don’t care about them.
There’s no need to look at those things that make you feel bad.
Look more at things that are wonderful in this world.
So I started to try to be hopeful for the future, including the Mars concert this year.
Just now I mentioned that during the process of producing this Mars concert.
We’ve encountered many difficulties, yet one step after another.
We’ve met many good people.
They’ve helped Mars concert, they’ve helped us coming back home safely and smoothly to have a party like this.
So actually, there are a lot of wonderful people in this world.
Today is the sixth day on Mars.
It’s also the last day.
During these six days, we’ve enjoyed ourselves. We laughed together
Joked together, teased each other, and we’ve felt sadness together and cried together.
These are all wonderful memories for me.
Also these six days make me feel that the future I have dreamed about and looked forward to has become a reality.
It’s the same home as what I have dreamed about on Mars.
The atmosphere is the same.
People can come to this home to chat, listen to music and play games.
You can also wear nice-looking and fun clothes according to your idea
It’s all OK. You can even lay down and watch our concert. You can even play card games and mah-jong.
It’s all OK
This is what I want. What the true Mars concert should look like.
All these make me feel that it is worthwhile to write the third part of the trilogy.
Next, I’m going to sing the last song of this year’s Mars Concert.
It is also the last song of my Healing Trilogy.
I call it the Future Chapter of Healing Trilogy.
Well next, I hope that together with me.
We will not leave any regret behind.
Let’s have a healthy, bright, and positive Mars Concert.
Won’t that be great?
So for this song, I’ve given it a name that’s full of love.
It’s called: “Let’s Go and Watch the Sunrise”.

2. Videos

Mars Concert 2023

Mars Concert 2021

3. Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Pei Yu
Compose: Hua Chenyu
Arrange: Bernard Zheng, Hua Chenyu
走,一起去看日出吧 Let’s Go and Watch the Sunrise
别问可不可以 只说开不开心 Don’t ask if it’s alright
just tell us if you are happy
其它都别在意 Don’t worry about other things
你在 曙光照进来的生命里 In a life shining with morning lights
变得如此美丽 You have become so beautiful
别问可不可以 只说愿不愿意 Don’t ask if it’s alright
just tell us if you are willing to
召唤新的运气 Call for new chances
你看 每当人们团聚在一起 Look, when people gather
都会有好消息 There is always good news
啊~空白的人生被你踏上五彩印迹 Ah~
Our blank lives have been stamped with colorful footprints
啊~所有经历给它赋予魔力 Ah~
All our experiences have bestowed on us a magical power
啊~曾经孩童的梦想是否还在原地 Ah~
Is your childhood dream still staying in place?
啊~其实触手可及 Ah~ It’s right within your reach
把烦恼都甩掉吧 Toss away all your worries
我们的世界一直会 很美好 Our world will always be wonderful
其他“不重要” Everything else is “not important”
享受每分每秒 Enjoy every minute and second
别再管它 Don’t worry about it again
我们的故事一定会 讲到老 Our story will be told till we are old
其他“不重要” Everything else is “not important”
尽情大声欢笑 Laugh wholeheartedly
别问可不可以 只说开不开心 Don’t ask if it’s alright
just tell us if you are happy
怎样都没关系 Nothing really matters
你在 酒杯还未干的时光里 When the wine cup is still wet
收藏这份情谊 Keep this friendship with you
别问可不可以 只说愿不愿意 Don’t ask if it’s alright
just tell us if you are willing
结果就随它去 No matter what the end result will be
你看 只要翻山越岭的寻觅 Look, as long as you
overcome the mountain to look for it
明天开在花季 Tomorrow will bloom in the flowering season
啊~空白的人生被你踏上五彩印迹 Ah~
Our blank lives have been stamped with colorful footprints
啊~所有经历给它赋予魔力 Ah~
All our experiences have bestowed on us a magical power
啊~曾经孩童的梦想是否还在原地 Ah~
Is your childhood dream still staying in place?
啊~其实触手可及 Ah~ It’s right within your reach
把烦恼都甩掉吧 Toss away all your worries
我们的世界一直会 很美好 Our world will always be wonderful
其他“不重要” Everything else is “not important”
享受每分每秒 Enjoy every minute and second
别再管它 Don’t worry about it
我们的故事一定会 讲到老 Our story will be told till when we are old
其他“不重要” Everything else is not important
尽情大声欢笑 Laugh wholeheartedly
有一封信 There is a letter
一封来自未来的信 给你 A letter for you from the future
上面写满关于你快乐的回忆 Which will record all the memories
of your happiness
这一封信 This letter
只是得到它要回答 问题 Is just for recording the question
那个答案早已点燃在你心里 Whose answer has lit up your heart
for a long time
都甩掉吧 Toss away all your worries
我们的世界一直会很美好 Our world will always be wonderful
其他“不重要” Everything else is NOT IMPORTANT
享受每分每秒 Enjoy every minute and second
别再管它 Don’t worry about it
我们的故事一定会讲到老 Our story will be told till when we are old
其他“不重要” Everything else is NOT IMPORTANT
相互问好 Greetings to each other
彼此拥抱 Embrace each other
尽情大声欢笑 Laugh wholeheartedly and loudly
